Monday, March 2, 2009

Clayton's 21st birthday continued.....Complete with some Surprises...

Okay, a birthday for my 21 year old Son. SImple, huh? Not really ~ he deserves a surprise.
Not much of a dessert eater I came up with a plan. Today, I would surprise him on his birthday... So, around lunch time ~ I was off, on my "mission". Yes, it was preplanned so I knew exactly what had to happen...
I arrived, some icy roads to travel but nothing too bad.

Gosh, its all wrapped up and chilled ready to go... but I need a picture for my "blog" ~ I may not see it again, if Clayton decides to share... So explaining, the gentleman that prepared this beauty is so gracious to unwrap it for my photo's, oh Gosh...
lots of trouble that was ~ I promised a recommendation to all my "blog friends" ~they liked that. Its the Edible Arrangments on Sugarloaf just past the YMCA - it will be on your left. They are so nice in there ~ and the arrangements are the BEST~! Even, have them ready in the "snow". Go see them and tell them you know "hag".

Now, how cute is this... and healthy too. No birthday cake for my
"conditioning Son", instead his favorites ~ strawberries, bananas (dipped in white & milk chocolate) and some red grapes on long sticks... the numbers 21 in pineapple and a birthday balloon. I'm so impressed with my idea, what do you think?

Without delay, Mom on a "mission" arrives at the snow hilighted Chick-fil-a for the
"birthday hug", some "sweet tea" ~ I love theirs...
and of course, to drop off my surprise.
I have everything worked out so well, I even impress myself...

Clayton & Jessie ~ one of his managers. They all wanted my Black with Pink Ladies
Army National Guard Hoodie that I wore today...
Clayton you better earn some more points to get
these cute girls their own "hoodie".
Clayton's store Owner, Brad ~ nice job he does with a clean store and great food. My compliments at all "visits".

I love this cow in her "slippers & robe"...
So, once I went into Chick-fil-a, visited with Clayton, his coworkers & managers, I left with "Sweet Tea" in hand. I had prearranged for his General Manager to meet me outside for his special "to work" delivery. John wasn't long getting out, he used the back door ~ cool Edible Arrangement in hand with "Mom" instructions and a "Thank you" ~ he went back inside with the delievery.

I was so excited that my "plan" worked that I went to the drivers side of the "Yukon" to return home... one birthday surprise handled... not so fast, in my haste the keys were locked inside.... yikes.. I could call "Nannie" to come get me to retreive the extra keys from home, but no ~ my "cell phone" was inside the locked "Yukon". Rats....

I have to go back in the Chick-fil-a,
in the middle of the "birthday prize" and ask Clayton for his car keys... so I could go home and get the extra key......
oh, well. I'm not as young as I once was..... I have "CRS"...
Now, off to get "Nannie" ~ so David and I can treat Clayton to his "birthday dinner" ~ Mexican.YUM~!

promises more pictures for post 63... stay tuned...
~one vintage hag

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